Keyboard, TV remotes, gamepads and other controllers
An example managing keyboard, TV remotes, gamepads and other controllers:
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<title>Input: Keyboard, TV remotes, gamepads and other controllers - Example</title>
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<h3>Keyboard and compatible (TV remotes and some gamepads and controllers which fire keycodes):</h3>
Keys down: <span id="keys_down"></span><br />
'UP' down: <span id="key_up"></span><br />
'DOWN' down: <span id="key_down"></span><br />
'LEFT' down: <span id="key_left"></span><br />
'RIGHT' down: <span id="key_right"></span><br />
'LEFT' or 'RIGHT' down (any): <span id="left_or_right"></span><br />
'LEFT' and 'RIGHT' down (simultaneously): <span id="left_and_right"></span><br />
Last key down: <span id="last_key_down"></span><br />
Last key up: <span id="last_key_up"></span><br />
Last keys pressed (expires automatically after a desired time without pressing anything): <span id="last_keys_pressed"></span><br />
Last typed string (expires automatically after a desired time without pressing anything): <span id="last_typed_string"></span><br />
<h3>Gamepads and other controllers (which use HTML5 Gamepad API or proprietary API):</h3>
Standard gamepads (compatible with HTML5 Gamepad API): <span id="gamepads_standard"></span><br />
Proprietary gamepads (compatible with proprietary API): <span id="gamepads_proprietary"></span><br />
Last gamepad connected: <span id="last_gamepad_connected"></span><br />
Last gamepad disconnected: <span id="last_gamepad_disconnected"></span><br />
"0" or "1" axes down (any) in any gamepad: <span id="zero_or_one_any"></span><br />
"0" and "1" axes down (simultaneously) in any gamepad: <span id="zero_and_one_any"></span><br />
"0" or "1" axes down (any) in gamepad #1: <span id="zero_or_one_gamepad0"></span><br />
"0" and "1" axes down (simultaneously) in gamepad #1: <span id="zero_and_one_gamepad0"></span><br />
"1" or "2" buttons down (any) in any gamepad: <span id="one_or_two_any"></span><br />
"1" and "2" buttons down (simultaneously) in any gamepad: <span id="one_and_two_any"></span><br />
"1" or "2" buttons down (any) in gamepad #1: <span id="one_or_two_gamepad0"></span><br />
"1" and "2" buttons down (simultaneously) in gamepad #1: <span id="one_and_two_gamepad0"></span><br />
Buttons available in any gamepad: <span id="buttons_all_any"></span><br />
Buttons available in gamepad #1: <span id="buttons_all_gamepad0"></span><br />
Buttons down:<br />
<span id="buttons_down"></span>
<br />
<!-- The "CB_console" element will be used automatically in the case that the client does not support console: -->
<div id="CB_console" style="display:none; visibility:hidden; overflow:scroll;">
<span style="font-weight:bold;">Console:</span><br />
<div id="crossbrowdy_info"><a href="" target="_blank"> example</a></div>
/* This file belongs to a example, made by Joan Alba Maldonado. Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. */
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/* This file belongs to a example, made by Joan Alba Maldonado. Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. */
CB_init(main); //It will call the "main" function when ready.
//This function will be called when CrossBrowdy is ready:
function main()
//Manages the keyboard (also compatible with some TV remotes, gamepads and controllers which fire key codes):
CB_Keyboard.onKeyDown(function(e, keyCode) { CB_Elements.insertContentById("last_key_down", keyCode); }); //Event fired when a key is down (pressed).
CB_Keyboard.onKeyUp(function(e, keyCode) { CB_Elements.insertContentById("last_key_up", keyCode); }); //Event fired when a key is up (released).
showKeyboardInformation(); //Starts showing the information constantly.
//Manages the gamepads and controllers which use HTML5 Gamepad API or proprietary API:
CB_Controllers.onConnect(function(gamepad) { CB_Elements.insertContentById("last_gamepad_connected", "#" + gamepad.index + " (" + + ")"); updateGamepadsInformation(); }); //Event fired when a gamepad is connected.
CB_Controllers.onDisconnect(function(gamepad) { CB_Elements.insertContentById("last_gamepad_disconnected", "#" + gamepad.index + " (" + + ")"); updateGamepadsInformation(); }); //Event fired when a gamepad is disconnected.
showGamepadsButtonsInformation(); //Starts showing the information constantly.
//Shows the keyboard information (also compatible with some TV remotes, gamepads and controllers which fire key codes):
function showKeyboardInformation()
//Shows the information:
CB_Elements.insertContentById("keys_down", getKeysDown());
CB_Elements.insertContentById("key_up", CB_Keyboard.isKeyDown(CB_Keyboard.keys.UP) ? "Yes" : "No");
CB_Elements.insertContentById("key_down", CB_Keyboard.isKeyDown(CB_Keyboard.keys.DOWN) ? "Yes" : "No");
CB_Elements.insertContentById("key_left", CB_Keyboard.isKeyDown(CB_Keyboard.keys.LEFT) ? "Yes" : "No");
CB_Elements.insertContentById("key_right", CB_Keyboard.isKeyDown(CB_Keyboard.keys.RIGHT) ? "Yes" : "No");
CB_Elements.insertContentById("left_or_right", CB_Keyboard.isKeyDown([CB_Keyboard.keys.LEFT, CB_Keyboard.keys.RIGHT]) ? "Yes" : "No");
CB_Elements.insertContentById("left_and_right", CB_Keyboard.isKeyDown([CB_Keyboard.keys.LEFT, CB_Keyboard.keys.RIGHT], true) ? "Yes" : "No");
CB_Elements.insertContentById("last_keys_pressed", CB_Keyboard.getKeysPressed());
CB_Elements.insertContentById("last_typed_string", CB_Keyboard.getTypedString());
//Calls itself again:
setTimeout(showKeyboardInformation, 1);
//Returns the key downs (as a string):
function getKeysDown()
var output = "";
var keysDown = CB_Keyboard.getKeysDown();
for (var keyCode in keysDown)
if (keysDown[keyCode])
output += keyCode + ", ";
return CB_rtrim(output, [" ", ","]);
function updateGamepadsInformation()
var controllersAll = CB_Controllers.getGamePads(); //Object with two properties ("standard", containing gamepads that use the HTML5 GamePad API, and "proprietary" the gamepad objects for each proprietary system).
//Shows information about the gamepads compatible with the HTML5 Gamepad API:
var gamepadsStandardInfo = "";
for (var gamepadIndex in controllersAll.standard.gamepads)
gamepadsStandardInfo += "#" + gamepadIndex + " (" + controllersAll.standard.gamepads[gamepadIndex].id + "), ";
CB_console(controllersAll.standard.gamepads[gamepadIndex]); //Shows in the console the status object of this device.
CB_Elements.insertContentById("gamepads_standard", CB_rtrim(gamepadsStandardInfo, [" ", ","]));
//Shows information about the gamepads compatible with a proprietary API:
var gamepadsProprietaryInfo = "";
for (var proprietarySystem in controllersAll)
if (proprietarySystem === "standard") { continue; }
gamepadsProprietaryInfo += proprietarySystem;
for (var gamepadType in controllersAll[proprietarySystem])
gamepadsProprietaryInfo += " (" + gamepadType + ": ";
for (var gamepadIndex in controllersAll[proprietarySystem][gamepadType])
gamepadsProprietaryInfo += gamepadIndex + ", ";
CB_console(controllersAll[proprietarySystem][gamepadType][gamepadIndex]); //Shows in the console the status object of this device.
gamepadsProprietaryInfo = CB_rtrim(gamepadsProprietaryInfo, [" ", ","]);
gamepadsProprietaryInfo += ")";
gamepadsProprietaryInfo += ", ";
CB_Elements.insertContentById("gamepads_proprietary", CB_rtrim(gamepadsProprietaryInfo, [" ", ","]));
//Shows the gamepads' buttons information:
function showGamepadsButtonsInformation()
var controllersAll = CB_Controllers.getGamePads(); //Object with two properties ("standard", containing gamepads that use the HTML5 GamePad API, and "proprietary" the gamepad objects for each proprietary system).
//Shows all buttons being pressed and available axes:
var buttonsDownOutput = "";
for (var system in controllersAll)
buttonsDownOutput += "<h4>" + ((system === "standard") ? "STANDARD (compatible with HTML5 Gamepad API)" : system) + "</h4>";
for (var gamepadType in controllersAll[system])
buttonsDownOutput += "<h5>" + gamepadType + "</h5>";
for (var gamepadIndex in controllersAll[system][gamepadType])
buttonsDownOutput += "<h6>#" + gamepadIndex + " (" + controllersAll[system][gamepadType][gamepadIndex].id + "):</h6>";
buttonsDownOutput += "Axis pressed: " + CB_Controllers.getAxes(controllersAll[system][gamepadType][gamepadIndex].id) + "<br />";
buttonsDownOutput += "Buttons pressed: ";
for (buttonCode in CB_Controllers.getButtonsDown(controllersAll[system][gamepadType][gamepadIndex].id))
buttonsDownOutput += buttonCode + ", ";
buttonsDownOutput = CB_rtrim(buttonsDownOutput, [" ", ","]);
CB_Elements.insertContentById("buttons_down", buttonsDownOutput);
//Shows available buttons (all):
CB_Elements.insertContentById("buttons_all_any", JSON.stringify(CB_Controllers.getButtons()));
CB_Elements.insertContentById("buttons_all_gamepad0", JSON.stringify(CB_Controllers.getButtons(0)));
//Managing axes pressed currently:
if (CB_Controllers.isAxisDown([0, 1]))
CB_console("Axis 0 or 1 (maybe both) is being pressed in some or all gamepads");
CB_Elements.insertContentById("zero_or_one_any", "Yes");
else { CB_Elements.insertContentById("zero_or_one_any", "No"); }
if (CB_Controllers.isAxisDown([0, 1], 0))
CB_console("Axis 0 or 1 (maybe both) is being pressed in gamepad whose index is '0'");
CB_Elements.insertContentById("zero_or_one_gamepad0", "Yes");
else { CB_Elements.insertContentById("zero_or_one_gamepad0", "No"); }
if (CB_Controllers.isAxisDown([0, 1], 0, null, null, true))
CB_console("Axes 0 and 1 are both being pressed in gamepad whose index is '0'");
CB_Elements.insertContentById("zero_and_one_gamepad0", "Yes");
else { CB_Elements.insertContentById("zero_and_one_gamepad0", "No"); }
if (CB_Controllers.isAxisDown([0, 1], "", null, null, true))
CB_console("Axes 0 and 1 are both being pressed, regardless they are being pressed in the same gamepad or in different ones");
CB_Elements.insertContentById("zero_and_one_any", "Yes");
else { CB_Elements.insertContentById("zero_and_one_any", "No"); }
//Managing buttons pressed currently:
if (CB_Controllers.isButtonDown([1, 2]))
CB_console("Button 1 or 2 (maybe both) is being pressed in some or all gamepads");
CB_Elements.insertContentById("one_or_two_any", "Yes");
else { CB_Elements.insertContentById("one_or_two_any", "No"); }
if (CB_Controllers.isButtonDown([1, 2], 0))
CB_console("Button 1 or 2 (maybe both) is being pressed in gamepad whose index is '0'");
CB_Elements.insertContentById("one_or_two_gamepad0", "Yes");
else { CB_Elements.insertContentById("one_or_two_gamepad0", "No"); }
if (CB_Controllers.isButtonDown([1, 2], 0, true))
CB_console("Button 1 and 2 are both being pressed in gamepad whose index is '0'");
CB_Elements.insertContentById("one_and_two_gamepad0", "Yes");
else { CB_Elements.insertContentById("one_and_two_gamepad0", "No"); }
if (CB_Controllers.isButtonDown([1, 2], "", true))
CB_console("Button 1 and 2 are both being pressed, regardless they are being pressed in the same gamepad or in different ones");
CB_Elements.insertContentById("one_and_two_any", "Yes");
else { CB_Elements.insertContentById("one_and_two_any", "No"); }
//Calls itself again:
setTimeout(showGamepadsButtonsInformation, 1);
You can check the Guides & Tutorials category as well as the API documentation in the case you need more information.
All the examples together can be downloaded here.