CrossBrowdy - Basic tutorial



CrossBrowdy will support the Fetch API natively or it will fallback back automatically to a polyfill internally, so you do not need to worry at all. Here is an example of Fetch management:

	//For modern clients:
		//Treats the response as text:
		function(response) { return response.text(); }
		//Displays the content received:
		function(content) { CB_console("Content received: " + content); }
		//Displays the error:
		function(error) { CB_console(error); }
	//For all clients, including legacy ones (to prevent errors because of using "catch" since it is a reserved word):
		//Treats the response as text:
		function(response) { return response.text(); }
		//Displays the content received:
		function(content) { CB_console("Content received: " + content); },
		//Displays the error:
		function(error) { CB_console(error); }
	//Another way for all clients, including legacy ones (to prevent errors because of using "catch" since it is a reserved word):
		//Treats the response as text:
		function(response) { return response.text(); }
		//Displays the content received:
		function(content) { CB_console("Content received: " + content); }
		//Displays the error:
		function(error) { CB_console(error); }

Check the API documentation to read more about the CB_Net and the CB_Net.Fetch static classes.

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