CrossBrowdy - Basic tutorial



Using the CB_Pointer static class is a good way to deal with any pointer event (it could also come from a mouse or be a touch event). Internally, it uses the Pointer API if available and falls back to emulation otherwise.

Here is an example of pointer management with CrossBrowdy:

	//Managing pointer events (use "null" as the first parameter to remove them):
	CB_Pointer.onDown(function(e) { CB_console("The 'onDown' event has been fired!"); });
	CB_Pointer.onUp(function(e) { CB_console("The 'onUp' event has been fired!"); });
	CB_Pointer.onMove(function(e) { CB_console("The 'onMove' event has been fired!"); });
	CB_Pointer.onOver(function(e) { CB_console("The 'onOver' event has been fired!"); });
	CB_Pointer.onOut(function(e) { CB_console("The 'onOut' event has been fired!"); });
	CB_Pointer.onEnter(function(e) { CB_console("The 'onEnter' event has been fired!"); });
	CB_Pointer.onLeave(function(e) { CB_console("The 'onLeave' event has been fired!"); });
	CB_Pointer.onCancel(function(e) { CB_console("The 'onCancel' event has been fired!"); });
	CB_Pointer.onGotPointCapture(function(e) { CB_console("The 'onGotPointCapture' event has been fired!"); });
	CB_Pointer.onLostPointCapture(function(e) { CB_console("The 'onLostPointCapture' event has been fired!"); });
	//Sets the desired value for the CSS' style pointer-events property of a given element:
	var element ="my_element"); //Equivalent to document.getElementById("my_element").
	CB_Pointer.setPointerEventsProperty(element, "visibleStroke"); //Sets the "visibleStroke" as value.

Check the API documentation to read more about the CB_Pointer static class.

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