CrossBrowdy - Basic tutorial



Here is an example of mouse management with CrossBrowdy:

	//Managing buttons pressed currently (this should normally be in a loop, checking constantly):
	var buttonsDown = CB_Mouse.getButtons(); //Same as 'CB_Mouse.getButtonsDown'.
	if (buttonsDown.LEFT) { CB_console("LEFT button is being pressed"); }
	if (buttonsDown.MIDDLE) { CB_console("MIDDLE button is being pressed"); }
	if (buttonsDown.RIGHT) { CB_console("RIGHT button is being pressed"); }

	//Getting mouse coordinates:
	var mouseX = CB_Mouse.getX(); //Current horizontal coordinates of the mouse.
	var mouseXRelative = CB_Mouse.getXRelative(15); //Current horizontal coordinates of the mouse, relative to the given x-axis coordinates (15).
	var mouseY = CB_Mouse.getY();//Current vertical coordinates of the mouse.
	var mouseYRelative = CB_Mouse.getYRelative(30); //Current vertical coordinates of the mouse, relative to the given y-axis coordinates (30).

	//Managing mouse events (use "null" as the first parameter to remove them):
	CB_Mouse.onMove(function(e) { CB_console("Mouse moved!"); });
	CB_Mouse.onWheel(function(e) { CB_console("Mouse wheel used!"); });
	CB_Mouse.onButtonDown(function(e) { CB_console("Button down!"); });
	CB_Mouse.onButtonUp(function(e) { CB_console("Button up!"); });
	CB_Mouse.onClick(function(e) { CB_console("Click!"); });
	CB_Mouse.onDblClick(function(e) { CB_console("Double click!"); });
	CB_Mouse.onLeave(function(e) { CB_console("The 'onLeave' event was fired!"); });
	CB_Mouse.onOut(function(e) { CB_console("The 'onOut' event was fired!"); });
	CB_Mouse.onOver(function(e) { CB_console("The 'onOver' event was fired!"); });
Some simple collisions can be managed easily:

	//Collision with an element (considered a rectangle):
	var element ="my_element"); //Equivalent to document.getElementById("my_element").
	if (CB_Mouse.isOverElement(element)) { CB_console("The mouse is over the element whose ID is 'my_element'."); }

	//Other collisions:
	if (CB_Mouse.isOverRectangle(20, 30, 100, 80))
		CB_console("The mouse is over a rectangle whose left upper corner coordinates start at (20, 30) and whose width is 100 and height is 80.");
	if (CB_Mouse.isOverCircle(20, 30, 100))
		CB_console("The mouse is over a circle whose center is in (20, 30) pixel coordinates and its radius is 100 pixels.");
	if (CB_Mouse.isOverEllipse(20, 30, 100, 200))
		CB_console("The mouse is over a circle whose center is in (20, 30) pixel coordinates and its horizontal and vertical radii are 100 and 200 pixels respectively.");
	if (CB_Mouse.isOverLine(0, 0, 100, 100)) //Note that a fifth parameter can also be given to specify desired "tolerance".
		CB_console("The mouse is over an infinite line which cross both the (0, 0) and (100, 100) coordinates.");
	if (CB_Mouse.isOverSegment(200, 500, 700, 600)) //Note that a fifth parameter can also be given to specify desired "tolerance".
		CB_console("The mouse is over a line segment which starts in the (200, 500) and ends in the (700, 600) coordinates.");

For more advanced collisions, you can use the CB_Collisions static class. To get more information, read the Collisions topic of the basic tutorial.

The Pointer Lock API is also supported:

	//Pointer Lock API management:
	if (CB_Mouse.isLockSupported())
		CB_console("Pointer Lock API is supported.");
		//Managing some events:
		CB_Mouse.onLockChange(function(e) { CB_console("Lock status changed!"); });
		CB_Mouse.onLockError(function(e) { CB_console("Lock error!"); });
		//Some examples:
		var element ="my_element"); //Equivalent to document.getElementById("my_element").
		var elementLock =
				//Element to lock the mouse to:
				//Callback when lock is performed successfully:
				function() { CB_console("Mouse locked!"); },
				//Callback when lock is not performed successfully:
				function() { CB_console("Mouse could not be locked!"); }
		var elementLock_2 = CB_Mouse.getLockElement(); //Should contain the same as elementLock and element variables.
		if (CB_Mouse.isLocked()) { CB_console("Mouse is currently locked."); }
		var xMovement = CB_Mouse.getXMovement(); //Gets the horizontal movement.
		var yMovement = CB_Mouse.getYMovement(); //Gets the vertical movement.
		CB_Mouse.unlock(); //Unlocks the mouse.
		CB_console("Pointer Lock API is not supported.");

The mouse cursor can also be managed:

	//Showing and hiding the mouse cursor:
	CB_Mouse.hide(); //Hides the cursor. Useful to simulate the Pointer Lock API.
	CB_Mouse.restore(); //Shows the cursor again.
	//Modifying the aspect of the mouse cursor, using CSS:
	var CSS = "url(my/cursors/my_cursor.png), url(my/cursors/my_cursor.gif), url(my/cursors/my_cursor.cur)";
	//Modifying the aspect of the mouse cursor, using DHTML internally, for legacy clients (it also support image sprites, read the API for more information):
	CB_Mouse.CursorImage.set(true, "my/cursors/my_cursor.gif", 20, 30); //Shows the desired image (20 width, 30 height) as the mouse cursor.
	CB_Mouse.CursorImage.hide(); //Stops simulating the mouse cursor by DHTML.

Check the API documentation to read more about the CB_Mouse and the CB_Mouse.CursorImage static classes.

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