Here is an example of arrays management:
//Defines an array:
var fruitsArray = [ "watermelon", "lemon", "strawberry", "durian", "mango" ];
//Checks whether a given element is an array or not:
if (CB_isArray(fruitsArray)) //Equivalent to 'CB_Arrays.isArray'.
CB_console("It is an array!");
else { CB_console("It is not an array!"); }
//Checking the number of elements (length) of an array (equivalent to 'fruitsArray.length', 'CB_Arrays.sizeof', 'CB_sizeOf' and 'CB_sizeof'):
var elementLength = CB_Arrays.sizeOf(fruitsArray); //Returns 5.
//Getting the first position (index number) of an element inside an array (equivalent to 'CB_indexOf'):
var elementPosition = CB_Arrays.indexOf(fruitsArray, "durian"); //Starts from the beginning. Returns 3.
var elementPosition = CB_Arrays.indexOf(fruitsArray, "durian", 4); //Starts from position (index) 4, ignoring previous values. Returns -1 (not found).
//Getting the last position (index number) of an element inside an array (equivalent to 'CB_lastIndexOf'):
var elementPosition = CB_Arrays.lastIndexOf(fruitsArray, "durian"); //Starts from the beginning. Returns 3.
var elementPosition = CB_Arrays.lastIndexOf(fruitsArray, "durian", 2); //Starts from position (index) 2, ignoring next values. Returns -1 (not found).
//Executes a function for each item in the array (equivalent to 'CB_forEach'):
CB_Arrays.forEach(fruitsArray, function(element, index, array) { CB_console(element + " in index #" + index); CB_console(array); });
CB_Arrays.forEach(fruitsArray, function(element, index, array) { CB_console(element + " in index #" + index); CB_console(array); CB_console(this); }, window); //Overriding "this" to use 'window'.
//Another way to perform an action (execute a function) for each element (being able to introduce a delay between each call):
fruitsArray, //array.
function(element, index, array, delay) //functionEach. Being "this" the element itself.
CB_console(element + " in index #" + index);
1000, //delayBetweenEach. Optional. Default: 0. Can be either a positive number or a function returning a positive number.
true, //returnSetTimeoutsArray. Optional. Default: false.
false, //delayBetweenEachAffectsFirst. Optional. Default: false.
function(array, totalItemsLooped, delayMaximum) { CB_console("All iterations finished!"); } //functionFinish. Optional.
//Creates an array identical from an original one:
var arrayCopy = CB_Arrays.copy([1, 2, 3]); //Returns another array with the same elements (copies it).
//Replaces all the given occurrence from array of strings (with as many levels as we wish):
var arrayOfStrings = [ "Level0", ["Level1", ["LEVEL2", "Level2Again"], "Level1Again"], "Level0Again" ];
var myArrayReplaced = CB_replaceAll(arrayOfStrings, "e", "A"); //Replaces all occurrences of "e" by "A". Returns: [ "LAvAl0", ["LAvAl1", ["LEVEL2", "LAvAl2Again"], "LAvAl1Again"], "LAvAl0Again" ].
var myArrayReplaced_2 = CB_replaceAll(arrayOfStrings, "e", "A", true); //Replaces all occurrences of "e" by "A", case insensitive. Returns: [ "LAvAl0", ["LAvAl1", ["LAVAL2", "LAvAl2Again"], "LAvAl1Again"], "LAvAl0Again" ].
var myArrayReplaced_3 = CB_replaceAll(arrayOfStrings, ["e", "v", "i"], "A"); //Replaces all occurrences of "e", "v" and "h" by "A". Returns: [ "LAAAl0", ["LAAAl1", ["LEVEL2", "LAAAl2AgaAn"], "LAAAl1AgaAn"], "LAAAl0AgaAn" ].
var myArrayReplaced_4 = CB_replaceAll(arrayOfStrings, ["e", "v", "i"], "A", true); //Replaces all occurrences of "e", "v" and "h" by "A", case insensitive. Returns: [ "LAAAl0", ["LAAAl1", ["LAAAL2", "LAAAl2AgaAn"], "LAAAl1AgaAn"], "LAAAl0AgaAn" ].
//Trims undesired strings from the strings of an array, case sensitive (using 'slice' method to keep original array without modifying):
//NOTE: functions below are equivalent to 'CB_trim', 'CB_ltrim' and 'CB_rtrim'.
var fruitsArray_2 = [ " watermelon ", " lemon ", "strawberry", "durian", "mango" ];
var arrayTrimmed = CB_Arrays.trim(fruitsArray_2.slice(0)); //Strips spaces. Returns: [ "watermelon", "lemon", "strawberry", "durian", "mango" ].
var arrayTrimmed_2 = CB_Arrays.trim(fruitsArray_2.slice(0), "m"); //Trims "m". Returns: [ " watermelon ", " lemon ", "strawberry", "durian", "ango" ].
var arrayTrimmed_3 = CB_Arrays.trim(fruitsArray_2.slice(0), [" ", "l", "e", "m"]); //Trims spaces, "l", "e" and "m". Returns: [ "watermelon", "on", "strawberry", "durian", "ango" ].
var arrayTrimmed_4 = CB_Arrays.trim(fruitsArray_2.slice(0), ["dur", "on", "ia"]); //Trims "dur", "on" and "ia". Returns: [ " watermelon ", " lemon ", "strawberry", "n", "mango" ].
var arrayTrimmed_5 = CB_Arrays.ltrim(fruitsArray_2.slice(0)); //Trims spaces in the left. Returns: [ "watermelon ", "lemon ", "strawberry", "durian", "mango" ].
var arrayTrimmed_6 = CB_Arrays.ltrim(fruitsArray_2.slice(0), [" ", "l", "n", "o"]); //Trims spaces, "l", "n" and "o" in the left. Returns: [ "watermelon ", "emon ", "strawberry", "durian", "mango" ].
var arrayTrimmed_7 = CB_Arrays.rtrim(fruitsArray_2.slice(0)); //Trims spaces in the right. Returns: [ " watermelon", " lemon", "strawberry", "durian", "mango" ].
var arrayTrimmed_8 = CB_Arrays.rtrim(fruitsArray_2.slice(0), [" ", "l", "n", "o"]); //Trims spaces, "l", "n" and "o" in the right. Returns: [ " waterme", " lem", "strawberry", "duria", "mang" ].
//Sorting and filtering examples ('CB_Arrays.sort' uses native 'Array.sort' method and 'CB_Arrays.bsort' uses bubble sort method):
var numbersArray = [ 3, 1984, 11, 13, 5, -8 ];
var numbersArray_sorted = CB_Arrays.sort(numbersArray.slice(0)); //Sorts the array. Returns: [ -8, 3, 5, 11, 13, 1984 ].
var numbersArray_sorted_2 = CB_Arrays.sort(numbersArray.slice(0), true); //Sorts the array in reversed order. Returns: [ 1984, 13, 11, 5, 3, -8 ].
var numbersArray_sorted_3 = CB_Arrays.sort(numbersArray.slice(0), false, function(a, b) { return Math.abs(a) - Math.abs(b); }); //Sorts the array using a comparing function (just caring about absolute values). Returns: [ 3, 5, -8, 11, 13, 1984 ].
var numbersArray_sorted_4 = CB_Arrays.bsort(numbersArray.slice(0)); //Sorts the array (bubble method). Returns: [ -8, 3, 5, 11, 13, 1984 ].
var numbersArray_sorted_5 = CB_Arrays.bsort(numbersArray.slice(0), true); //Sorts the array (bubble method) in reversed order. Returns: [ 1984, 13, 11, 5, 3, -8 ].
//Inserts an element in the desired position of a given an array:
var arrayNew = CB_Arrays.insertElement(["a", "b", "c"], 1, "Z"); //Returns: [ "a", "Z", "b", "c" ].
var arrayNew_2 = CB_Arrays.insertElement(["a", "b", "c"], 2, "Z"); //Returns: [ "a", "b", "Z", "c" ].
var arrayNew_3 = CB_Arrays.insertElement(["a", "b", "c"], 3, "Z"); //Returns: [ "a", "b", "c", "Z" ].
var arrayNew_4 = CB_Arrays.insertElement(["a", "b", "c"], 9999999, "Z"); //Returns: [ "a", "b", "c", "Z" ] (the maximum index is the length of the array).
var arrayNew_5 = CB_Arrays.insertElement(["a", "b", "c"], 0, "Z"); //Returns: [ "Z", "a", "b", "c" ].
var arrayNew_6 = CB_Arrays.insertElement(["a", "b", "c"], undefined, "Z"); //Returns: [ "Z", "a", "b", "c" ] (default index is 0).
var arrayNew_7 = CB_Arrays.insertElement(["a", "b", "c"], null, "Z"); //Returns: [ "Z", "a", "b", "c" ] (default index is 0).
var arrayNew_8 = CB_Arrays.insertElement(["a", "b", "c"], -123, "Z"); //Returns: [ "a", "b", "c", "Z" ] (any negative index will be converted to positive one and the maximum index is the length of the array).
//Removes duplicated numbers from an array:
var numbersArray = [ 3, 2, 1, 3, 5, 6, 1, 1, 1, 2, 8, 8, 9, 9, 9, 11 ];
var numbersArray_purged = CB_Arrays.removeDuplicated(numbersArray.slice(0)); //Removes duplicated values, just leaving one of each. Returns: [ 3, 5, 6, 1, 2, 8, 9, 11 ].
var numbersArray_purged_2 = CB_Arrays.removeDuplicated(numbersArray.slice(0), function(element, index, array) { return (element >= 5); }); //Removes duplicated values and also values greater or equal to 5 (by the defined purging function). Returns: [ 3, 1, 2 ].
var numbersArray_purged_3 = CB_Arrays.removeDuplicated(numbersArray.slice(0), function(element, index, array) { return (element >= 5); }, true); //Removes values greater or equal to 5 (by the defined purging function) but keeps duplicated values. Returns: [ 3, 2, 1, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2 ].
//Deletes an element from an array which is placed in the desired position (elements which were after it will be moved a position to the left):
var arrayElementRemoved = CB_Arrays.removeElementByPosition([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, "hello"], 1); //Returns: [ 1, 3, 4, 5, "hello" ]. The same as 'CB_Arrays.removeElementByIndex'.
//Deletes a given element from an array. All occurrences will be deleted (elements which were after a removed element will be moved a position to the left).
var arrayElementRemoved_2 = CB_Arrays.removeElement([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, "hello", 6], "hello"); //Returns: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]. Note that it is type sensitive.
//Deletes the given elements from an array. All occurrences will be deleted (elements which were after a removed element will be moved a position to the left).
var arrayElementRemoved_3 = CB_Arrays.removeElements([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, "hello", 6], ["hello", 2, "3"]); //Returns: [ 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]. Note that it is type sensitive.
//Combines two arrays (equivalent to 'CB_combineArraysOrObjects' and 'CB_combineJSON'):
var arraysCombined = CB_Arrays.combine([1, 2, 3], [3, 4, 5, 6]); //Returns the array: [ 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6 ].
var arraysCombined_2 = CB_Arrays.combine([3, 4, 5, 6], [1, 2, 3]); //Returns the array: [ 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3 ].
var arraysCombined_3 = CB_Arrays.combine([1, 2, 3], [3, 4, 5, 6], true); //Removes duplicated values. Returns the array: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ].
var arraysCombined_4 = CB_Arrays.combine([3, 4, 5, 6], [1, 2, 3], true); //Removes duplicated values. Returns the array: [ 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2 ].
//Combines one array with one object, third parameter ignored when not using two arrays (equivalent to 'CB_combineArraysOrObjects' and 'CB_combineJSON'):
var objectsCombined = CB_Arrays.combine([1, 2, 3], { 1 : 22, "index1" : "3", "index2" : "whatever", "index3" : 3 }); //Returns the object: { 0: 1, 1: 22, 2: 3, index1: "3", index2: "whatever", index3: 3 }.
var objectsCombined_2 = CB_Arrays.combine({ 1 : 22, "index1" : "3", "index2" : "whatever", "index3" : 3 }, [1, 2, 3]); //Returns the object: { 0: 1, 1: 2, 2: 3, index1: "3", index2: "whatever", index3: 3 }.
var objectsCombined_3 = CB_Arrays.combine([1, 2, 3], { 1 : 22, "index1" : "3", "index2" : "whatever", "index3" : 3 }, true); //Returns the same as 'objectsCombined'.
var objectsCombined_4 = CB_Arrays.combine({ 1 : 22, "index1" : "3", "index2" : "whatever", "index3" : 3 }, [1, 2, 3], true); //Returns the same as 'objectsCombined_2'.
Note that if the "EXTEND_DOM" option of the CB_Configuration.CrossBase object is enabled, the following methods will be polyfilled automatically in clients which do not support them: Array.prototype.indexOf, Array.prototype.lastIndexOf, Array.isArray, Array.prototype.forEach, NodeList.prototype.forEach and HTMLCollection.prototype.forEach.
Finally, regardless the options defined, TypedArray will always be present (including Int8Array, Uint8Array, Uint8ClampedArray, Int16Array, Uint16Array, Int32Array, Uint32Array, Float32Array and Float64Array), using polyfills internally automatically if they are not supported natively.
Check the API documentation to read more about the CB_Arrays static class and some global functions and variables.