Audio files cache
Audio file cache objects (which are created using the CB_AudioFileCache class) allow you to use and reuse the same sound multiple times and simultaneously.
It is important to have in mind that each audio file cache object should only contain the same sound (never different ones), although you should provide different audio formats of that sound so the audio file cache object will be able to calculate and use the best one for the current client automatically. The more different formats you can provide, the more chances to support more clients.
As some audio formats and some audio APIs are not supported by some clients, audio file cache objects will detect and manage all automatically so you do not need to worry about it.
Internally, each audio file cache object will normally manage multiple CB_AudioFile objects. An audio file cache object can grow automatically in the case it detects it needs more internal CB_AudioFile objects (for example, if it detects we want to play more sound instances simultaneously than the ones it currently has). It can also reload CB_AudioFile objects automatically in the case they failed internally. During this process, the audio file cache object (CB_AudioFileCache) will have a 'LOADING' status again and after that the status will be 'LOADED' if all went well or 'FAILED' otherwise. When the 'LOAD' status is reached, the 'onLoad' event function (if any) will be called again (to prevent this, set the 'onLoad' property of the object to something which is not a function once it gets executed).
The CB_AudioFileCache objects use a higher abstraction level than the CB_AudioFile but lower than the CB_AudioFileSprites ones.
Note that, most of the times, it is recommended to deal with audio files using always the CB_Speaker static class which can contain a CB_AudioFileSpritesPool object (mainly using the CB_Speaker.setAudioFileSpritesPool and the CB_Speaker.getAudioFileSpritesPool functions). The CB_AudioFileSpritesPool class uses audio files cache and provides multiple sprites groups management as well as many other advanced methods.
When loading an audio file cache object, it is recommended to do it through a user-driven event (as "onClick", "onTouchStart", etc.) in order to maximize compatibility (as some clients could block sounds otherwise). Here is an example loading an audio file cache:
//Defines the same audio but in different audio files (providing different formats, paths and data URIs):
//NOTE: CrossBrowdy will choose the best one(s) for the current client automatically.
var currentURL = location.href;
currentURL = currentURL.substring(0, currentURL.lastIndexOf("/") !== -1 ? currentURL.lastIndexOf("/") : currentURL.length) + "/";
var dataURIs = //Here we could define the data URIs for the audios, in their values (but too long for this example):
"numeros/numeros.mp3" : null,
"numeros/numeros.ogg" : null,
"numeros/numeros.m4a" : null,
"numeros/numeros.wav" : null
var audioURIs =
"audio/mpeg" :
currentURL + "audio/numeros/numeros.mp3", //Absolute path.
"audio/numeros/numeros.mp3", //Relative path.
dataURIs["numeros/numeros.mp3"] //Data URI.
"audio/ogg" :
currentURL + "audio/numeros/numeros.ogg", //Absolute path.
"audio/numeros/numeros.ogg", //Relative path.
dataURIs["numeros/numeros.ogg"] //Data URI.
"audio/mp4" :
currentURL + "audio/numeros/numeros.m4a", //Absolute path.
"audio/numeros/numeros.m4a", //Relative path.
dataURIs["numeros/numeros.m4a"] //Data URI.
"audio/wav" :
currentURL + "audio/numeros/numeros.wav", //Absolute path.
"audio/numeros/numeros.wav", //Relative path.
dataURIs["numeros/numeros.wav"] //Data URI.
//Defines the function to call when the audio file cache object is created:
var onCreate = function(audioFileObjectsToCheck)
CB_console("Audio file cache object created! CB_AudioFile objects that still need to be checked: " + audioFileObjectsToCheck);
CB_console("Identifier: " +; //Same as
CB_console("Status: " + this.getStatusString()); //Same as audioFileSprites.getStatusString().
if (audioFileObjectsToCheck > 0) { CB_console("You can call the 'audioFileCache.checkPlayingAll' method to check all the CB_AudioFile objects."); }
this.onLoad = null; //Prevents to execute this function again (otherwise, it could be executed again after the object grows automatically to create more 'CB_AudioFile' objects).
//Defines the data for the audio file cache object with all possible options:
var audioFileCacheData =
//File paths and/or data URIs for the audio files (always using the same audio):
URIs: audioURIs, //Unique mandatory option. Will be stored in 'audioFileCache.URIs'.
//Identifier for the audio file cache object:
id: "audio_file_cache_id", //Optional. Will be stored in ''.
//Accepted audio APIs in order of preference. Internally, it will calculate and use the best one(s) for the current client:
preferredAPIs: ["WAAPI", "AAPI", "SM2", "ACMP"], //Optional. Default: CB_Configuration.CrossBase.CB_AudioFileCache_PREFERRED_AUDIO_APIS. Set to undefined or null to use the default one. Will be stored in 'audioFileCache.preferredAPIs'.
//Accepted audio formats in order of preference. Internally, it will calculate and use the best one(s) for the current client:
preferredFormats: null, //Optional. Default: CB_Configuration.CrossBase.CB_AudioFileCache_PREFERRED_AUDIO_FORMATS. Set to undefined or null to use the default one. Will be stored in 'audioFileCache.preferredFormats'.
//Minimum CB_AudioFile objects that will be needed internally:
minimumAudioFiles: 10, //Optional. Default: CB_AudioFileCache.minimumAudioFiles_DEFAULT. Set to undefined or null to use the default one. Will be stored in 'audioFileCache.minimumAudioFiles'.
//Maximum CB_AudioFile objects that will be created internally:
maximumAudioFiles: 30, //Optional. Default: CB_AudioFileCache.maximumAudioFiles_DEFAULT. Set to undefined to use the default one. Set to null to have no maximum. Will be stored in 'audioFileCache.maximumAudioFiles'.
//Minimum free CB_AudioFile objects that will be needed internally. One CB_AudioFile object is free when it is not being played.
minimumAudioFilesFree: 7, //Optional. Default: parseInt(audioFileCache.minimumAudioFiles * 0.25 + 0.5). Set to undefined or null to use the default one. Will be stored in 'audioFileCache.minimumAudioFilesFree'.
//Defines the number of new CB_AudioFile objects to create automatically when they are needed:
newAudioFilesWhenNeeded: 3, //Optional. Default: Math.min(parseInt(audioFileCache.minimumAudioFiles * 0.1 + 0.5), 1). Set to undefined or null to use the default one. Will be stored in 'audioFileCache.newAudioFilesWhenNeeded'.
//Defines the number of retries to try to load a CB_AudioFile object internally before trying to load the next possible one (if any):
retries: 3, //Optional. Default: CB_AudioFileCache.retries_DEFAULT. Set to undefined or null to use the default one. Will be stored in 'audioFileCache.retries'.
//Defines whether we want to check all CB_AudioFile objects automatically or manually (we will need to call the 'checkPlayingAll' method):
checkManually: true, //Optional. Default: CB_AudioFileCache.checkManually_DEFAULT. Set to undefined or null to use the default one. Will be stored in 'audioFileCache.checkManually'.
//Defines whether we want to check the CB_AudioFile object automatically when creating a new needed one:
checkManuallyOnNeededCreated: false, //Optional. Default: CB_AudioFileCache.checkManuallyOnNeededCreated_DEFAULT. Set to undefined or null to use the default one. Will be stored in 'audioFileCache.checkManuallyOnNeededCreated'.
//Defines whether we want to check the CB_AudioFile object automatically when it has failed playing and tries to re-load it:
checkManuallyOnPlayingFailed: false, //Optional. Default: CB_AudioFileCache.checkManuallyOnPlayingFailed_DEFAULT. Set to undefined or null to use the default one. Will be stored in 'audioFileCache.checkManuallyOnPlayingFailed'.
//Defines whether we want to check the CB_AudioFile object automatically when it has failed checking and tries to re-load it:
checkManuallyOnCheckingFailed: false, //Optional. Default: CB_AudioFileCache.checkManuallyOnCheckingFailed_DEFAULT. Set to undefined or null to use the default one. Will be stored in 'audioFileCache.checkManuallyOnCheckingFailed'.
//Sets a function to call when the audio file cache object is created successfully:
onLoad: onCreate, //Optional but recommended. Will be stored in 'audioFileCache.onLoad'.
//Sets a function to call when an error happens with the audio file cache object:
onError: function(error) { CB_console("Audio file cache object failed: " + error); }, //Optional but recommended. Will be stored in 'audioFileCache.onError'.
//Defines whether to create the CB_AudioFile objects automatically by calling the 'audioFileCache.createAudioFiles' method internally (recommended) or not:
//NOTE: if the 'disableAutoLoad' option is enabled, it is always necessary to call the 'audioFileCache.createAudioFiles' manually.
disableAutoLoad: false //Optional. Default: false. Set to undefined or null to use the default one. Internal usage only recommended.
//Creates the audio file cache object:
//NOTE: it is recommended to do it through a user-driven event (as "onClick", "onTouchStart", etc.) in order to maximize compatibility (as some clients could block sounds otherwise).
var audioFileCache = new CB_AudioFileCache(audioFileCacheData);
//Checks the status constantly and shows the progress (optional):
var lastProgress = null, currentProgress = null;
var lastStatus = null, currentStatus = null;
var checkLoadingContinue = true;
var checkLoading = function()
//Shows the progress (if there were any changes):
currentProgress = audioFileCache.getProgress();
if (currentProgress !== lastProgress)
CB_console("Progress: " + currentProgress);
lastProgress = currentProgress;
//Shows the status (if there were any changes):
//NOTE: it would also be possible to use the 'audioFileCache.getStatusString' method which returns a string with the current status.
currentStatus = audioFileCache.getStatus();
if (currentStatus !== lastStatus)
if (currentStatus === CB_AudioFileCache.UNLOADED) { CB_console("Unloaded"); }
else if (currentStatus === CB_AudioFileCache.ABORTED) { CB_console("Aborted!"); checkLoadingContinue = false; }
else if (currentStatus === CB_AudioFileCache.FAILED) { CB_console("Failed!"); checkLoadingContinue = false; }
else if (currentStatus === CB_AudioFileCache.LOADING) { CB_console("Loading..."); }
else if (currentStatus === CB_AudioFileCache.UNCHECKED) { CB_console("Unchecked! The 'audioFileCache.checkPlayingAll' method needs to be called."); }
else if (currentStatus === CB_AudioFileCache.CHECKING) { CB_console("Checking..."); }
else if (currentStatus === CB_AudioFileCache.LOADED) { CB_console("Loaded! Now you can use the audio file cache object freely."); checkLoadingContinue = false; }
lastStatus = currentStatus;
if (checkLoadingContinue) { checkLoadingInterval = setTimeout(checkLoading, 1); }
var checkLoadingInterval = setTimeout(checkLoading, 1);
In the case that the audio file cache object has the "checkManually" option enabled, we need to check each of its internally-used CB_AudioFile objects. We can do that easily by calling the "checkPlayingAll" manually after the audio file cache object has been created. It is recommended to do it through a user-driven event (as "onClick", "onTouchStart", etc.) in order to maximize compatibility (as some clients could block sounds otherwise):
//If the "checkManually" option was set to true, we need to check all the CB_AudioFile objects manually (by calling their 'checkPlaying' method):
//callbackOk. Optional but recommended:
function(performedActions, uncheckedObjects)
CB_console("Audio file cache object checked successfully!");
CB_console("Performed actions (number of CB_AudioFile objects that can be played): " + performedActions);
CB_console("Unchecked CB_AudioFile objects before calling this method: " + uncheckedObjects);
//callbackError. Optional but recommended:
function(error, performedActions, uncheckedObjects)
CB_console("Audio file cache object failed to be checked! Error: " + error);
CB_console("Performed actions (number of CB_AudioFile objects that can be played): " + performedActions);
CB_console("Unchecked CB_AudioFile objects before calling this method: " + uncheckedObjects);
false //ignoreQueue. Optional. Default: false. Set to undefined or null to use the default one.
After the audio file cache object has been loaded successfully (and after calling "checkPlayingAll" successfully, if it was necessary), we can start using the audio file cache object freely:
//Gets the duration calculated among all the internal CB_AudioFile objects (as it can contain different formats, sometimes the duration may vary slightly):
var audioFileCacheDurationMinimum = audioFileCache.getDuration(); //Minimum duration calculated among all the internal CB_AudioFile objects.
var audioFileCacheDurationMaximum = audioFileCache.getDuration(true); //Maximum duration calculated among all the internal CB_AudioFile objects.
//Defines a function to manage the CB_AudioFile when it is played:
var manageAudioFile = function(soundInstanceId)
//Gets the CB_AudioFile used (through its sound instance identifier):
var audioFile = audioFileCache.getAudioFileBySoundInstanceId(soundInstanceId); //NOTE: This is just an example and not necessary, since "this" will already contain the used CB_AudioFile (if any).
if (audioFile !== null)
//Gets the position of the CB_AudioFile object (by its identifier) in the 'audioFileCache.audioFiles' property:
var positionInAudioFiles = audioFileCache.getAudioFilePosition(; //It will return -1 if not found.
//Do things with it...
//Plays one CB_AudioFile (if no one is free, it will create automatically a new one depending on the audio file cache object options):
var soundInstanceId =
//Time in milliseconds where we want the audio to start at:
0, //startAt. Optional. Default: 0 | CB_AudioFile#audioFileObject.lastStartAt | stopAt. Set to undefined or null to use the default one.
//Time in milliseconds where we want the audio to stop at:
null, //stopAt. Optional. Default: CB_AudioFile#audioFileObject.getDuration(). Set to undefined or null to use the default one.
//Sets whether we want to play the audio looping (starting again and again) or just play it once:
false, //loop. Optional. Default: CB_AudioFile#loop. Set to undefined or null to use the default one.
//Volume desired when playing the audio (this can also be changed on the fly, during playing):
80, //volume. Optional. Default: CB_Configuration.CrossBase.CB_AudioFile_AudioFileCache_USE_SPEAKER_VOLUME_AS_DEFAULT ? CB_Speaker.getVolume() : CB_Configuration.CrossBase.CB_Speaker_DEFAULT_VOLUME. Set to undefined or null to use the default one.
//The maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) of delay that we accept before start playing the audio. If the amount of time is overcome, the audio will not play at all. Used only when the audio is not able to play immediately:
125, //allowedRecursiveDelay. Optional. Default: CB_Configuration.CrossBase.CB_AudioFile_AudioFileCache_ALLOWED_RECURSIVE_DELAY_DEFAULT. Set to undefined or null to use the default one.
//Defines the maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) to allow delayed play by skipping a part of the audio:
/* NOTE:
If provided and the time expired trying to start playing the sound without success is still inside this amount of time provided, it will try to play the sound but skipping the part of the audio which should have already been played already.
In other words, it will try to start playing the sound as if the previous non-played part (which should have been playing during the time which already expired) was already being playing silently.
Only used when the time set in the "allowedRecursiveDelay" parameter has been reached and the audio did not start playing yet.
null, //allowedRecursiveDelaySkipping. Optional. Default: stopAt-startAt. Set to undefined or null to use the default one.
//Function to be called when the audio starts playing successfully:
function(soundInstanceId, startAt, stopAt, startAtNextLoop, loop, avoidDelayedPlay, allowedRecursiveDelay, startPlayingTime) //onPlayStart. Optional.
CB_console("Audio started playing!");
//Manages the CB_AudioFile being used:, soundInstanceId); //Note that "this" will contain the used CB_AudioFile (if any).
//Function to call when the sound stops playing:
function(soundInstanceId) { CB_console("Audio stopped playing!"); }, //onStop. Optional.
//Other parameters. Internal usage only recommended:
undefined, //startPlayingTime. Optional. Default: Set to undefined or null to use the default one.
undefined, //startAtOriginal. Optional. Default: startAt. Set to undefined or null to use the default one.
undefined, //soundInstanceId. Optional. Default: CB_AudioFileCache._soundInstanceIdUnique++. Set to undefined or null to use the default one.
undefined //_callRecursivelyIfNotTooLateCalledObject. Optional. Set to undefined or null to use the default one.
//Tells whether any of the internal CB_AudioFile objects is playing:
if (audioFileCache.isPlaying()) { CB_console("One or more of the internal CB_AudioFile objects are playing."); }
else { CB_console("None of the internal CB_AudioFile objects is playing."); }
//Cancels (to prevent it starts playing) a sound instance (created by the '' method), by its identifier:
audioFileCache.cancelSoundInstance(soundInstanceId, true); //Use "false" as the second parameter to enable it again (if it is not too late).
//Cancels (to prevent it starts playing) all sound instances (created by the '' method):
audioFileCache.cancelSoundInstances(true); //Use "false" as the first parameter to enable them again (if it is not too late).
//Gets the number of CB_AudioFile objects created (stored in 'audioFileCache.audioFiles'):
var audioFilesTotal = audioFileCache.getAudioFilesNumber(true);
//Gets an array with all the CB_AudioFile objects created (stored in 'audioFileCache.audioFiles'):
var audioFiles = audioFileCache.getAudioFiles(true);
//Gets an array with the busy CB_AudioFile objects (the objects which are not available and ready to use):
var audioFilesBusy = audioFileCache.getAudioFilesBusy();
//Gets the current number of free CB_AudioFile objects (the number of objects which are available and ready to use):
var audioFilesFreeTotal = audioFileCache.getAudioFilesFreeNumber();
//Gets an array with the free CB_AudioFile objects (the objects which are available and ready to use):
var audioFilesFree = audioFileCache.getAudioFilesFree();
//Gets a single CB_AudioFile from the ones which are free (available and ready to use):
//Note that the object returned will contain two properties: 'index' (the position of the CB_AudioFile object inside the 'audioFileCache.audioFiles' property if found or -1 otherwise) and 'object' (with the CB_AudioFile object if found or null otherwise).
var audioFileFree = audioFileCache.getFreeAudioFile(); //The CB_AudioFile object will not be "popped" (removed) from the 'audioFileCache.audioFilesFree' property.
var audioFileFree_2 = audioFileCache.getFreeAudioFile(true); //The CB_AudioFile object will also be "popped" (removed) from the 'audioFileCache.audioFilesFree' property.
//Checks whether a CB_AudioFile object is free (available and ready to use), by its id:
if (audioFileCache.isAudioFileFree( { CB_console("The CB_AudioFile whose ID is " + + " is free!"); }
else { CB_console("The CB_AudioFile whose ID is " + + " is not free (or it does not exist in the audio file cache)!"); }
//Checks whether a given numeric position of a CB_AudioFile object in the 'audioFileCache.audioFiles' property is free (available and ready to use) or not:
if (audioFileCache.isAudioFileFreeByPosition(1)) { CB_console("The CB_AudioFile in the position 1 is free!"); }
else { CB_console("The CB_AudioFile (if any) in the position 1 is not free!"); }
You can read more about the CB_AudioFile class in the Audio files topic.
Although the CB_AudioFileCache objects can automatically create new internal CB_AudioFile objects or remove them when needed, it is also possible to create new ones or remove current ones manually:
//Tries to create a new internal CB_AudioFile object:
//NOTE: it is recommended to do it through a user-driven event (as "onClick", "onTouchStart", etc.) in order to maximize compatibility (as some clients could block sounds otherwise).
var audioFile = audioFileCache.createAudioFile
null, //URIs. Optional. Default: audioFileCache.URIs. Set to undefined or null to use the default one.
["WAAPI", "AAPI", "SM2", "ACMP"], //preferredAPIs. Optional. Default: audioFileCache.preferredAPIs. Set to undefined or null to use the default one.
null, //preferredFormats. Optional. Default: audioFileCache.preferredFormats. Set to undefined or null to use the default one.
null, //audioObject. Optional. Set to undefined or null to create a new one instead of reusing the given one.
function() { CB_console("CB_AudioFile object created!"); }, //callbackOk. Optional but recommended.
function(error) { CB_console("CB_AudioFile object could not be created! Error: " + error); }, //callbackError. Optional but recommended.
//Other parameters. Internal usage only recommended:
undefined, //storeURIsList. Optional. Default: false. Set to undefined or null to use the default one.
undefined //checkAutomatically. Optional. Default: false. Set to undefined or null to use the default one.
//Tries to create new internal CB_AudioFile objects until reaching the minimum given (if not reached yet):
/* NOTE:
It is recommended to do it through a user-driven event (as "onClick", "onTouchStart", etc.) in order to maximize compatibility (as some clients could block sounds otherwise).
If the 'disableAutoLoad' option is enabled, it is always necessary to call the 'audioFileCache.createAudioFiles' manually.
audioFileCache.createAudioFiles(8); //The given number will be stored in 'audioFileCache.minimumAudioFiles'.
//Removes the desired internal CB_AudioFile object:
audioFileCache.removeAudioFile("audio_file_object_id"); //As the first parameter it accepts either a CB_AudioFile object or its ID.
One of the most interesting features when managing audio file cache objects with CrossBrowdy is that you can change the audio API of all their internal CB_AudioFile objects on the fly (even when they are currently playing!). This can be done easily:
//Tries to changes the audio API used by all the internal CB_AudioFile objects (this will work even on the fly, when they are currently playing):
//preferredAPIs. Unique mandatory parameter:
["AAPI", "SM2"], //Array of strings with order of preference or a single string with the unique desired API.
//callbackOk. Optional but recommended:
function(objectsChangedAPI, performedActions, actionsNeeded)
CB_console("Setting the desired audio API(s) succeeded!");
CB_console("Number of CB_AudioFile objects that actually changed its audio API: " + objectsChangedAPI);
CB_console("Number of CB_AudioFile objects that ended with a desired audio API, including those ones which were already using it: " + performedActions);
CB_console("Total number of CB_AudioFile objects that were considered to perform the action (it will be undefined if it could not be determined): " + actionsNeeded);
//callbackError. Optional but recommended:
function(error, errorsHappened, objectsChangedAPI, performedActions, actionsNeeded)
CB_console("Setting the desired audio API(s) could not be performed! Error: " + error);
CB_console("Number of errors that happened (could be greater than 1 if more than one internal call to the CB_AudioFile#setAudioAPI method failed): " + errorsHappened);
CB_console("Number of CB_AudioFile objects that actually changed its audio API: " + objectsChangedAPI);
CB_console("Number of CB_AudioFile objects that ended with a desired audio API, including those ones which were already using it: " + performedActions);
CB_console("Total number of CB_AudioFile objects that were considered to perform the action (it will be undefined if it could not be determined): " + actionsNeeded);
//isMandatory. Optional. Default: false. Set to undefined or null to use the default one:
//forceReload. Optional. Default: false. Set to undefined or null to use the default one:
//audioFiles. Optional. Default: audioFileCache.audioFiles. Set to undefined or null to use the default one:
Apart from some previous methods seen before, it is also possible to perform other bulk actions that will affect all the internal CB_AudioFile objects that the audio file cache object uses:
//Executes a function over all the internal CB_AudioFile objects, being "this" each CB_AudioFile itself (same as 'audioFileCache.executeAll' and 'audioFileCache.executeFunctionAll'):
audioFileCache.forEach(function(index) { CB_console("CB_AudioFile ID: " +; });
audioFileCache.forEach(function(index) { CB_console("CB_AudioFile ID: " +; }, 100); //Adds a 100 milliseconds delay between each call.
//Plays all the CB_AudioFile objects:
0, //startAt. Optional. Default: 0 | CB_AudioFile#audioFileObject.lastStartAt | stopAt. Set to undefined or null to use the default one.
null, //stopAt. Optional. Default: CB_AudioFile#audioFileObject.getDuration(). Set to undefined or null to use the default one.
null, //loop. Optional. Default: CB_AudioFile#loop. Set to undefined or null to use the default one.
null, //volume. Optional. Default: CB_Configuration.CrossBase.CB_AudioFile_AudioFileCache_USE_SPEAKER_VOLUME_AS_DEFAULT ? CB_Speaker.getVolume() : CB_Configuration.CrossBase.CB_Speaker_DEFAULT_VOLUME. Set to undefined or null to use the default one.
false, //avoidDelayedPlay. Optional. Default: false. Set to undefined or null to use the default one.
null, //allowedRecursiveDelay. Optional. Default: CB_Configuration.CrossBase.CB_AudioFile_AudioFileCache_ALLOWED_RECURSIVE_DELAY_DEFAULT. Set to undefined or null to use the default one.
function(startAt, stopAt, startAtNextLoop, loop, avoidDelayedPlay, allowedRecursiveDelay, startPlayingTime) { CB_console("CB_AudioFile with ID " + + " playing"); }, //onPlayStart. Optional.
function() { CB_console("CB_AudioFile with ID " + + " stopped!"); }, //onStop. Optional.
false //includingPlaying. Optional. Default: false. Set to undefined or null to use the default one.
//Sets the desired volume to all the CB_AudioFile objects:
audioFileCache.setVolumeAll(80, false, function() { CB_console("Volume (80) set for the CB_AudioFile with ID " +; });
//Mutes all the CB_AudioFile objects:
audioFileCache.muteAll(function() { CB_console("CB_AudioFile with ID " + + " muted!"); });
//Unmutes all the CB_AudioFile objects:
audioFileCache.unmuteAll(function() { CB_console("CB_AudioFile with ID " + + " unmuted!"); });
//Pauses all the CB_AudioFile objects:
audioFileCache.pauseAll(function() { CB_console("CB_AudioFile with ID " + + " paused!"); });
//Resumes all CB_AudioFile objects:
null, //loop. Optional. Default: CB_AudioFile#loop. Set to undefined or null to use the default one.
null, //allowedRecursiveDelay. Optional. Default: CB_Configuration.CrossBase.CB_AudioFile_AudioFileCache_ALLOWED_RECURSIVE_DELAY_DEFAULT. Set to undefined or null to use the default one.
null, //allowedRecursiveDelaySkipping. Optional. Default: lastStopAt-lastStartAt. Set to undefined or null to use the default one.
function(soundInstanceId, startAt, stopAt, startAtNextLoop, loop, avoidDelayedPlay, allowedRecursiveDelay, startPlayingTime) { CB_console("CB_AudioFile with ID " + + " playing"); }, //onPlayStart. Optional.
function(soundInstanceId) { CB_console("CB_AudioFile with ID " + + " stopped!"); }, //onStop. Optional.
null //audioFiles. Optional. Default: audioFileCache.audioFiles. Set to undefined or null to use the default one.
//Plays and stops all the CB_AudioFile objects:
//Note: it can be useful for some clients which need the CB_AudioFile#play method to be called through a user-driven event (as onClick, onTouch, etc.).
audioFileCache.playAndStopAll(); //It will not try to play those which are already playing. With the default delay before stopping them (100 milliseconds).
audioFileCache.playAndStopAll(true, 500); //It will try to play again even those which are already playing. With a delay of 500 milliseconds before stopping them.
//Stops all the CB_AudioFile objects:
It is interesting to know that the methods above can also accept an array of CB_AudioFile objects as a parameter to only affect those objects instead of all the internal ones.
Some other interesting methods that you might not need:
//Clears the sound instances (created by the '' method) which have been cancelled:
//Tries to purge the audio file cache until it reaches a desired number of CB_AudioFile objects (set in the 'audioFileCache.audioFiles' property), removing and destroying some of the current CB_AudioFile objects. For performance purposes:
audioFileCache.purge(10); //It tries to go down to ten CB_AudioFile objects.
//Cleans the 'audioFileCache.audioFiles' array, taking off (destroying and removing) the CB_AudioFile objects which are undefined or null. For performance purposes. Internal usage only recommended:
//Calls the error function which should be set in the 'audioFileCache.onError' property (if any), being "this" the CB_AudioFileCache object itself. Internal usage only recommended:
audioFileCache.errorFunction("Error message");
audioFileCache.errorFunction("Error message", true); //Avoids setting the 'audioFileCache.status' property as "FAILED" (the value of 'CB_AudioFileCache.FAILED').
In order to free memory and resources, it is possible to destroy the audio file cache object and its internal CB_AudioFile objects:
//Destroys all the internal CB_AudioFile objects (but not the audio file cache object itself), and frees memory:
audioFileCache.destroyAll(true); //Also stops sounds.
//Destroys the audio file cache object, including all the internal CB_AudioFile objects, and frees memory (already calls the 'audioFileCache.destroyAll' method internally):
audioFileCache.destructor(true); //Also stops sounds.
It is also possible to re-load again an audio file cache object:
//Loads the audio file cache again with the data given:
/* NOTE:
It is recommended to do it through a user-driven event (as "onClick", "onTouchStart", etc.) in order to maximize compatibility (as some clients could block sounds otherwise).
If the 'disableAutoLoad' option is enabled, it is always necessary to call the 'audioFileCache.createAudioFiles' manually.
audioFileCache.load(audioFileCacheData); //The object in the parameter has the same format that the one used by the constructor of the CB_AudioFileCache class.
Check the API documentation to read more about the CB_AudioFileCache class.