Namespace: CB_Speaker


Static class to manage the speaker or speakers. It will return itself if it is tried to be instantiated. It can also use timbre.js, Band.js and jsfx.

To Do:
  • Check whether the path used to play silent sounds as a workaround (through the internal "_playBlankFilesSilently" method) is right or not (now it uses the CB_scriptPath variable).
  • getCopy and filterProperties methods (similar to the ones from CB_GraphicSprites and CB_GraphicSpritesScene).


<static> getAudioFileSpritesPool() → {CB_AudioFileSpritesPool|null}

Returns the current CB_AudioFileSpritesPool object (if any).


Returns the current CB_AudioFileSpritesPool object (if any) or null otherwise.

CB_AudioFileSpritesPool | null

<static> getBandJSObject() → {Object|null}

Returns a new Band.js object (if possible). Useful for managing music composition.

To Do:
  • Band.js should have into account the CB_Speaker._volume

Returns a new Band.js object (if possible) or null otherwise.

Object | null

<static> getJsfxObject() → {Object|null}

Returns the jsfx object (if any). Useful for managing sound effects generation.

To Do:
  • jsfx should have into account the CB_Speaker._volume

Returns the current jsfx object (if any) or null otherwise.

Object | null

<static> getTimbreJSObject() → {Object|null}

Returns the timbre.js object (if any). Useful for functional processing and synthesizing audio.

To Do:
  • timbre.js should have into account the CB_Speaker._volume

Returns the current timbre.js object (if any) or null otherwise.

Object | null

<static> getVolume( [avoidSanitize]) → {number}

Tells the current volume.

Name Type Argument Default Description
avoidSanitize boolean <optional>

If set to true, it will not call the CB_Speaker.sanitizeVolume function internally before returning the volume.


Returns the current volume.


<static> mute( [avoidApplyingVolume] [, onMute] [, audioFiles]) → {number}

Mutes the speaker. Calls the CB_Speaker.setVolume function internally, with 0 (zero) as the "volume" parmeter, null as the "forceSetVolumeProperty" parameter and true for both "saveForUnmute" and "isMuteOrUnmute" parameters.

Name Type Argument Default Description
avoidApplyingVolume boolean <optional>

Used as a parameter to call the CB_Speaker.setVolume function internally.

onMute function <optional>

Used as as the "functionToExecute" parameter to call the CB_Speaker.setVolume function internally.

audioFiles array <optional>

Used as a parameter to call the CB_Speaker.setVolume function internally.

To Do:
  • Also affect BandJS, jsfx and timbre.js.

Returns the result of the internal call to the CB_Speaker.setVolume function.


<static> sanitizeVolume( [volume] [, useSpeakerVolumeIfNaN]) → {number}

Sanitizes the volume (it does not allow values greater than 100 or lower than 0).

Name Type Argument Default Description
volume number <optional>

The desired volume to be sanitized. If not given, it will use the current volume if the "useSpeakerVolumeIfNaN" parameter is set to true or the default volume otherwise.

useSpeakerVolumeIfNaN boolean <optional>

If it is set to true and no valid volume is received in the "volume" parameter, it will use the current volume (CB_Speaker._volume). Otherwise, if it is set to false and no valid volume is received in the "volume" parameter, it will use the default volume which is set in the CB_Configuration.CrossBase.CB_Speaker_DEFAULT_VOLUME constant.


Returns the volume sanitized (it does not allow values greater than 100 or lower than 0).


<static> setAudioFileSpritesPool(audioFileSpritesPool) → {CB_AudioFileSpritesPool|null}

Sets the desired CB_AudioFileSpritesPool object.

Name Type Description
audioFileSpritesPool CB_AudioFileSpritesPool

The desired CB_AudioFileSpritesPool object to manage all audio files.


Returns the current CB_AudioFileSpritesPool object after setting it (if any) or null otherwise.

CB_AudioFileSpritesPool | null

<static> setVolume( [volume] [, avoidApplyingVolume] [, forceSetVolumeProperty] [, functionToExecute] [, audioFiles] [, saveForUnmute] [, isMuteOrUnmute]) → {number}

Sets the given volume.

Name Type Argument Default Description
volume number <optional>

The desired volume to be used (it will be sanitized internally by calling the CB_Speaker.sanitizeVolume function with the volume as the unique parameter). If not given, it will use the current volume. If the "avoidApplyingVolume" is set to false and the "isMuteOrUnmute" parameter is false, it will also be used as a parameter to call the CB_AudioFileSpritesPool#setVolumeAll method of the internal CB_AudioFileSpritesPool object defined in CB_Speaker._audioFileSpritesPool (if any).

avoidApplyingVolume boolean <optional>

If it is set to true, the volume will not be applied (by calling the CB_Speaker._applyVolume internal function, which will also use the internal CB_AudioFileSpritesPool object defined in CB_Speaker._audioFileSpritesPool, if any) and just the CB_Speaker._volume internal property will be set.

forceSetVolumeProperty boolean <optional>

If the "avoidApplyingVolume" is set to false and the "isMuteOrUnmute" parameter is false, it will be used as a parameter to call the CB_AudioFileSpritesPool#setVolumeAll method of the internal CB_AudioFileSpritesPool object defined in CB_Speaker._audioFileSpritesPool (if any).

functionToExecute function <optional>

A callback function. If the "avoidApplyingVolume" is set to false and the "isMuteOrUnmute" parameter is false, it will be used as the "onSetVolume" parameter to call the CB_AudioFileSpritesPool#setVolumeAll method of the internal CB_AudioFileSpritesPool object defined in CB_Speaker._audioFileSpritesPool (if any). If the "avoidApplyingVolume" is set to false and the "isMuteOrUnmute" parameter is true, it will be used as the "onMute" parameter to call the CB_AudioFileSpritesPool#muteAll method or as the "onUnmute" parameter to call the CB_AudioFileSpritesPool#unmuteAll method of the internal CB_AudioFileSpritesPool object defined in CB_Speaker._audioFileSpritesPool (if any).

audioFiles array <optional>

An array containing the CB_AudioFile objects that we want to affect (if not set and the "avoidApplyingVolume" is set to false, it will affect all the CB_AudioFile objects of the internal CB_AudioFileSpritesPool object defined in CB_Speaker._audioFileSpritesPool, if any). If the "avoidApplyingVolume" is set to false and the "isMuteOrUnmute" parameter is false, it will be used as the "audioFiles" parameter to call the CB_AudioFileSpritesPool#setVolumeAll method of the internal CB_AudioFileSpritesPool object defined in CB_Speaker._audioFileSpritesPool (if any). If the "avoidApplyingVolume" is set to false and the "isMuteOrUnmute" parameter is true, it will be used as the "audioFiles" parameter to call the CB_AudioFileSpritesPool#muteAll method or as the "audioFiles" parameter to call the CB_AudioFileSpritesPool#unmuteAll method of the internal CB_AudioFileSpritesPool object defined in CB_Speaker._audioFileSpritesPool (if any).

saveForUnmute boolean <optional>

If it is set to true, the given volume will be saved to be restored later when the CB_Speaker.unmute method is called.

isMuteOrUnmute boolean <optional>

If it is set to true and the volume given is zero, the action performed internally will be muting (by calling the CB_AudioFileSpritesPool#muteAll method of the internal CB_AudioFileSpritesPool object defined in CB_Speaker._audioFileSpritesPool, if any). Otherwise, if it is set to true and the volume given is not zero, the action performed internally will be unmuting (by calling the CB_AudioFileSpritesPool#unmuteAll method of the internal CB_AudioFileSpritesPool object defined in CB_Speaker._audioFileSpritesPool, if any). If it is set to false, the action performed will be set the volume given (by calling the CB_AudioFileSpritesPool#setVolumeAll method of the internal CB_AudioFileSpritesPool object defined in CB_Speaker._audioFileSpritesPool, if any).

To Do:
  • Also affect BandJS, jsfx and timbre.js.

Returns the current volume being used after setting it.


<static> unmute( [avoidApplyingVolume] [, onUnmute] [, audioFiles] [, ignoreVolume]) → {number}

Restores the audio volume after muting it. If the current volume is 0 (zero, muted) or the "ignoreVolume" parameter is set to true, calls the CB_Speaker.setVolume function internally, with the previously-saved volume before muting it as the "volume" parmeter, null as the "forceSetVolumeProperty" parameter, false for the "saveForUnmute" parameter and true for the "isMuteOrUnmute" parameter.

Name Type Argument Default Description
avoidApplyingVolume boolean <optional>

Used as a parameter to call the CB_Speaker.setVolume function internally, if the "ignoreVolume" parameter is set to true.

onUnmute function <optional>

Used as as the "functionToExecute" parameter to call the CB_Speaker.setVolume function internally, if the "ignoreVolume" parameter is set to true.

audioFiles array <optional>

Used as a parameter to call the CB_Speaker.setVolume function internally, if the "ignoreVolume" parameter is set to true.

ignoreVolume boolean <optional>

If set to true, it will try to perform the muting action even when the current volume is not 0 (zero, muted).

To Do:
  • Also affect BandJS, jsfx and timbre.js.

Returns the current volume.
