CrossBrowdy - Basic tutorial



You can create your own CrossBrowdy module easily. This is an example:

	//Module basic configuration:
	CB_Modules.modules["MY_MODULE"] =
		//Name of the module:
		"name" : "MY_MODULE",

		"status" : CB_Modules.STATUSES.UNLOADED,

		//Function to call as soon as the module is called (before loading its files):
		"onCall" : 
				//Do things...
				CB_Modules.setStatus("MY_MODULE", CB_Modules.STATUSES.LOADED);

		//Callback function to call when the module has been loaded successfully:
		"onLoad" :
				//Do things...
				CB_Modules.setStatus("MY_MODULE", CB_Modules.STATUSES.READY);
		//Callback function to call when the module is ready:
		"onReady" :
				//Do things...

		//Needed files:
		"neededFiles" :
				"not_mandatory.js" : { load: true, mandatory: false }, //Needs to be loaded. Not mandatory. Relative path.
				"mandatory.js" : { load: true, mandatory: true, absolutePath: true }, //Needs to be loaded. Mandatory (CrossBrowdy will not begin without it). Absolute path.
				"file1.js" : { load: true, id: "file1" }, //Identifier is "file1" (needed to be required by other files).
				"file2.js" : { load: true, id: "file2" }, //Identifier is "file2" (needed to be required by other files).
				"file3.js" : { load: true, requires: ["file1", "file2"] }, //Requires "file1" and "file2".
				"with_checker.js" : //Using a checker:
					load: true,
						function(filepath, neededFile)
							var load = true;
							//Do things...
							return load; //The file will load only if it returns "true".
				//Dynamic filepaths (using variables):
				"VALUEOF_myVar" : { load: true, mandatory: true }, //The filepath will be searched in "myVar".
				"VALUEOF_myObject.mySubObject.myProperty" : { load: true, mandatory: true } //The filepath will be searched in "myObject.mySubObject.myProperty".
		//Needed modules:
		"neededModules" :
					"name" : "ANOTHER_MODULE",
					"neededFiles" : { "ANOTHER_MODULE/ANOTHER_MODULE.js" : { load: true, mandatory: true } } //Same format as the previous "neededFiles".
		"credits" : "[CB] MY_MODULE by Joan Alba Maldonado
" //Credits will be shown in the console when loading. };

Then, if the previous code above was stored in a file called 'MY_MODULE.js' inside a folder called 'MY_MODULE_FOLDER', we can add the module to CrossBrowdy this way:

//Adds the module to CrossBrowdy:
CB_Modules.addNeededModule(CB_NAME, "MY_MODULE", { "MY_MODULE_FOLDER/MY_MODULE.js" : { load: true, mandatory: true } });

Note that the module must be created and added before CrossBrowdy starts loading (before calling the CB_init function). It could also be done during the CrossBrowdy loading process, for example using the multiple callback functions through events, but the main objective of this example is to keep it simple.

Here are some other interesting examples regarding modules management:

	//Gets a desired module object:
	var myModule = CB_Modules.get("MY_MODULE");
	//Gets the desired property of a given module:
	var myModuleProperty = CB_Modules.getProperty("MY_MODULE", "property_name");
	//Edits a desired property with the desired value of a given module:
	CB_Modules.editProperty("MY_MODULE", "property_name", "property_value", "scalar", iterateArray); //Value type can be "array", "object" or "scalar", being 'iterateArray' a boolean to define whether to loop through the given array (if any) or not.
	//Adds the desired "neededFiles" to a given module:
	CB_Modules.addNeededFiles("MY_MODULE", { "PATH/FILE.js" : { load: true, mandatory: true } });
	//Add some credits to the default ones (not needed normally as the credits from an attached module will be shown automatically already):
	CB_addCredits("[CB] Place credits here<br />");
	//Gets the default credits:
	var credits = CB_credits();
	var creditsNoHTML = CB_credits(undefined, false); //Strips any HTML character (replacing BR tags with new line characters).

Check the API documentation to read more about the CB_Modules object.

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